The Interplay of Stress, Health, and Well-Being: Unraveling the Psychological and Physiological Processes Dr Marcus Stueck, Professor at the International Biocentric Research Academy (IBRA) read more
London School Open Day September 29th
The London School of Biodanza welcomes you to our open day. September 29th from 2-5pm Let the music and dance take you on a journey of self-expression and transformation, helping you realise your read more
Special events, festivals, workshops at home and abroad
Why not attend Biodanza in a different location to get know kindred spirit Biodanza participants within a region, country or area different from home? For those with the luxury of the ability to read more
Happy International Biodanza Day – What a Wonderful World
In the UK we are joining the celebrations this week of International Biodanza Day 2024. These celebrations are taking place worldwide. The tradition is to commemorate this occasion worldwide with the read more
Episode One -The Biodanza Experiences of Nell, by Rupert Meese
The first Biodanza class of Rupert's imaginary friend Nell. A fictional account about a first Biodanza Class I thought I'd write about joining the Biodanza class. After all of this lockdown it read more
How Do We Face Fear With Compassion? by Gail Stewart
Reflections from Gail Stewart about how we face fear with compassion. I remember a time when I was at the Bristol School of Biodanza and we were doing a weekend of transcendence. I felt fear and read more
Why and how I work with Biodanza
How and why I choose to work with the Dance and Movement System, known as Biodanza I was introduced to Biodanza at a dance festival around 2008. I already had much experience in personal development read more
Three Wonderful Worlds say Happy Birthday Rolando
Olga Bastable is celebrating Rolando Toro Araneda’s birthday on the continent of Europe but it didn’t stop her contributing to our UK initiative, with the theme of the Biocentric Principle (all life read more
Dancing with Life in Greece with Tracy Seed
For the past 8 years, I've been leading the Dancing with Life retreat at the Kalikalos Holistic Education Centre - Alexandros Campus Mt Pelion. Leading this event has been an incredible joy and read more
Biodanza and Health Humanities
What is Biodanza? Biodanza, also known as Biocentric Dance, started in Chile in the 1960s. Its roots go back to a psychiatric hospital in Santiago, where a psychologist named R. Toro first read more