Review of Marcus Stueck’s Pandemic Management Theory by Rupert Meese. read more
Health Effects Derived from an Annual Course of Biodanza: An Empirical study
By Maria Teresa Giannelli *, Patrizia Giannino**, Alessandro Mingarelli**
Published in Psicologia della Salute (Psychology of Health) scientific journal Ed. Franco Angeli Issue 1/2015, pp 84-107
Introduction In recent years there has been a developing interest in the role that physical activity plays in promoting people’s wellbeing and in particular in the disciplines that recognize the read more
Biodanza multidisciplinary intervention for the management of fibromyalgia
Ana Carbonell-Baeza, Jonatan R. Ruiz, Virginia A. Aparicio, Clelia M. Martins-Pereira, M. Claudia Gatto-Cardia, Jose M. Martinez, Francisco B. Ortega, Manuel Delgado-Fernandez
read more...The objective of this study was to evaluate and compare the effectiveness of a 16-week multidisciplinary (exercise plus psychological therapy) with a Biodanza intervention in women with fibromyalgia. read more
Talk by Marcus Stueck at the European Congress of Biodanza in Portugal
Translated by Paula Jardim and edited by Jill Goodwin
read more...Why science? Biodanza is fascinating. Science is also fascinating. Science can help us understand what happens in Biodanza. Even the magic is much bigger than we know; we can’t measure everything. For read more
Effects of an evidence based dance program (Tanzpro® Biodanza) for Kindergarten aged 4 to 6 yrs on immuneglobuline A, testosterone and heart rate
Marcus Stueck, Alejandra Villegas, Cathleen Schoenichen, Katrin Bauer, Paul Tofts, Ulrich Sack
read more...Published in - Problems of education in the 21st century, Volume 56, 2013 -128 Abstract Present study addresses the question of the effects of the evidence based TANZPRO® Biodanza Program read more
Bionet life sciences research – Biodanza, positive psychology, health psychology and early education
Prof. Marcus Stueck and Dr. Alejandra Villegas
read more...Bionet is an open network about scientific research about life sciences, e.g. regenerative medicine, Biodanza research, positive psychology, health psychology and early education worldwide. This read more
Efficacy of Biodanza for treating women with fibromyalgia
Carbonell-Baeza A1, Aparicio VA, Martins-Pereira CM, Gatto-Cardia CM, Ortega FB, Huertas FJ, Tercedor P, Ruiz JR, Delgado-Fernandez M.
read more...The objective of this study was to determine the effects of a 3-month Biodanza intervention in women with fibromyalgia (FM). This was a controlled trial. The study was conducted at a university read more