Sometimes Biodanza is described as the ‘poetry of life’. Indeed, Rolando Toro Araneda was also a poet. We’ve received three poetic contributions as part of our initiative to honour Rolando’s birthday, on 19th April 2019, inspired by the Biocentric Principle (all life is sacred). Rolando’s interpretation of the word sacred includes the profane, which transforms it from an aspiration to a living, breathing essence permeating daily life in whatever guise. The poems point to this. So, too do the two herons in the mosaic above which Ruth Strupinski offered as her contribution. Here are the poems, and you can also listen to them if you prefer, on our SoundCloud Channel.
Inspired by Nature
Nature triumphs all around us,
The colours of sea and sky, land and moor,
Conspiring and colliding,
Intriguing and inspiring us,
Remember, we only have to be present.
It is always there.
Meridee Peyton Jones
Five Lines
There is desire,
How it runs through you like a dragon
How it tumbles like a waterfall
There is love,
Soft, smooth, complete,
To give, to receive.
There is fun,
Laughter, joy, mischief,
Running, skipping, jumping.
There is magic
When out of you comes something new
That has never been seen before
There is something else
A need that is never fully understood,
Beyond you, beyond me, beyond everything
Mike Coote
The paradox of ‘all life is sacred’
I’m activated by the force which beats the tiny wing
which leaps the salmon every Spring
I choose the sacred and profane
adjectives which mean the same
rooted in the dirt of earth, rain and thunder
skies of wonder, lightening breaking trees asunder!
and living by this Principle* –
I find I’m wedded to it all.
Liz Darcy Jones
*The Biocentric Principle
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